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9.6 Notes for OSCAR Users

LAM/MPI, MPICH, and HDF5 are installed as part of a standard OSCAR installation under the /opt directory to conform to the File System Hierarchy (FSH) standard ( Both MPICH and HDF5 have documentation subdirectories doc with additional information. OSCAR does not install MPE as part of the MPICH installation. If you want to use MPE, you'll need to go back and do a manual installation. Fortunately, this is not particularly difficult, but it can be a bit confusing.

9.6.1 Adding MPE

First, use switcher to select your preferred version of MPI . Since you can't run LAM/MPI as root, MPICH is probably a better choice. For example,

[root@amy root]# switcher mpi --list




[root@amy root]# switcher mpi = mpich-ch_p4-gcc-

Attribute successfully set; new attribute setting will be effective for

future shells

If you had to change MPI, log out and back onto the system.

Next, you'll need to retrieve and unpack a copy of MPICH.

[root@amy root]# cp mpich.tar.gz /usr/local/src

[root@amy root]# cd /usr/local/src

[root@amy src]# gunzip mpich.tar.gz

[root@amy src]# tar -xvf mpich.tar


/usr/local/src is a reasonable location.

If you don't have it on your system, you'll need to install Java to build the jumpshot.

[root@amy src]# bunzip2 j2sdk-1.3.1-FCS-linux-i386.tar.bz2

[root@amy src]# tar -xvf j2sdk-1.3.1-FCS-linux-i386.tar


Again, /usr/local/src is a reasonable choice.

Next, you need to set your PATH to include Java and set environmental variables for MPICH.

[root@amy src]# export PATH=/usr/local/src/j2sdk1.3.1/bin:$PATH

[root@amy src]# export MPI_INC="-I/opt/mpich-"

[root@amy src]# export MPI_LIBS="-L/opt/mpich-"

[root@amy src]# export MPI_CC=mpicc

[root@amy src]# export MPI_F77=mpif77

(Be sure these paths match your system.)

Now you can change to the MPE directory and run configure, make, and make install.

[root@amy src]# cd mpich-

[root@amy mpe]# ./configure


[root@amy mpe]# make


[root@amy mpe]# make install


You should now have MPE on your system. If you used the same directories as used here, it will be in /usr/local/src/mpich-

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